
22, single, and I'm happy with that.

....Well, most of the time. During the day I don't mind not having a boyfriend. Especially on those busy days when I have meetings at church from 9 to noon, then I have phone calls to make, emails to send, events to plan, sunday school teachers to coordinate. When that's over we have 60 preteens filling this building with their endless amounts of energy, laughter and pleasant smells for an hour and a half for confirmation classes. When they head for home at 5 I am just over-stimulated, overwhelmed and catching my breath. I still have a workout to fit in to the end of the night. No time to think about a guy, I'll tell you that much!

And I would think that your life is very similar to mine (busy).

If so, then what happens when you go home for the night? Make yourself some dinner while catching up on the latest Dr. Phil or Ellen episode. Head to the gym for weights and cardio. Shower. Then come back home to a quiet nest. No one to talk to - just you and your own thoughts.

Ooo....I guess you could take that as depressing. That's my daily routine at night, and I'm happy with the simplicity of it. But almost every night, after I have caught my breath and destressed from the busy day, every night I am left asking God, "Where is he?"

 If my soulmate is out there Lord, if you love me unconditionally and want the best for me, then why are you not putting him in my life right now?

I get mad at God. And then I get frustrated at myself for getting mad at God. He has set plans for my future husband and I. Who do I think I am to screw those up? If it was up to me, I would have settled for some average Joe years back because I just wanted to get married, instead of waiting for the right one to come along who will make me happier than I could ever imagine.

That's what God wants to do. Make you happier than you can even fathom. We will feel that way when we get to heaven, but I think he's giving us a sample of this happiness when he matches two people up who are perfect for each other.